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Real Estate and Construction

We assist individuals and companies in the acquisition and leasing of properties in Italy and abroad, in judicial proceedings of any kind in defense of property, including actions of boundaries settlement, possessory actions, easements and lease of property for foreign commercial companies which need to establish offices and sales outlets in Italy.
The firm assists clients in preparing documents for tender and tender evaluation, the appointment of architects, engineers, surveyors and project managers in the preparation and negotiation of contracts (including contracts for the construction of residential buildings and construction of shopping centers), the creation of liens and guarantees, as well as the next phase of project monitoring and contract management.

Lo Studio nel tempo massimo di 10 giorni dalla richiesta di assistenza è in grado di fornire, anche via e-mail, una consulenza generale in materia.
Ricevuta la richiesta, verrà preventivato il costo sulla base delle tariffe professionali e, solo a seguito dell’accettazione del preventivo, lo Studio instaurerà il rapporto professionale. La consulenza può essere fornita in tali termini anche a colleghi e professionisti in qualsiasi località.
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