Italiano Italiano
English English
Pусский Pусский
Polski Polski
Slovenski Slovenski

Areas of activity

Areas of activityThe Firm operates by assisting businesses mainly in the areas of international commercial and contract law, labor law, transport law.

Our clients are mainly commercial or industrial companies and individuals. We provide a specialized and qualified consulting. High personalization is our priority and is ensured by the presence of at least one of our associates in each workgroup that is established for each matter that is entrusted to our structure.

The professionals, in performing their tasks, can make use of the following languages: English, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian and Croatian.

  • Commercial law and contract law
  • Corporate law
  • Labor law
  • Family law
  • Procedural civil law and civil/commercial arbitration.
  • Recognition of foreign judgments, other decisions and foreign arbitral awards.
  • Transport, logistics and insurance.
  • Real Estate and Construction.
  • Debt collection
  • Hotels and accommodation facilities
  • Assistance to foreign individuals
  • Criminal Law
  • Lo Studio nel tempo massimo di 10 giorni dalla richiesta di assistenza è in grado di fornire, anche via e-mail, una consulenza generale in materia.
    Ricevuta la richiesta, verrà preventivato il costo sulla base delle tariffe professionali e, solo a seguito dell’accettazione del preventivo, lo Studio instaurerà il rapporto professionale. La consulenza può essere fornita in tali termini anche a colleghi e professionisti in qualsiasi località.
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